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Christmas Gift for Indonesia

In 2020 Christmas Indonesia received a special gift. This gift was given on 22nd December. What is the gift?

There is a clue for you to answer this question. Mr. President gave that Christmas gift.

The answer is the Central Government conducted a reshuffled cabinet. Six persons were selected to lead their departments: Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Health, Social, Tourism and Creative Economic, Trade, Religion.

It is hoped that these six sectors can overcome the problems that are currently plaguing the world and Indonesia. The people hope that the Corona Pandemic can be controlled. Religious life in Indonesia is in harmony and tolerance. Export and import were choked by the Pandemic. Tourism in many tourist centers is stopped. All areas of national and state life should be free from KKN.

Security and order are absolutely necessary for development. Lately, religion is often twisted by certain parties. Religious life in the Archipelago needs extra attention.

The great hope of the people rests on the shoulders of the Minister of Religion. Not only GP Ansor and  Banser support the new Menag (the minister of religion). The Indonesian people are also behind the new Minister of Religion.

Thanks to the central Government! Thanks be to God who continues to preserve Indonesia. The 2020 Christmas gift is very valuable for the NKRI.

Hopefully,  2021 will be better. Even though the Covid-19 Pandemic outbreak has not stopped, the 2020 Christmas present is a ray of hope for Indonesia.

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